read it ... ribbit ribbit ribbit

Thursday, January 12, 2006


When was the last time you have gone to the bookstore?

I've been a PowerBooks loyalist since age 14 (I guess) ...It's
really a long time ago. Back then I was just readig Anne Rice and not
JEan PAul Sartre, ALbert Camus, Nietzsche, Rilke, Szymborska, Coetzee
and the many others.

I hope anyone affiliated with PowerBooks sees this:
> Their Philosophy Section Sucks
> They placed a Michel Foucault book in the Archeology section
because the book is entitled "Archeology of Language."
> Their books are for the best seller obsessed kind of reader
(look at their shelves, mostly generic writers although they have
a lot of V.S. Naipaul and Naguib Mahfouz, really good writers!)

Well basically, this leads me to thinking that the reason why there aren't much
Philosophy books in PowerBooks is because they are more inclined to
commercial titles, books that would sell like pancakes whereas philo books which
do not really sell quick. I mean I saw the same titles at Powerbooks since I went
there last November 2005. Darn, this country needs to have a sudden influx
of good bookstores...more Fully Booked and A Diff. Bookstores please!
Filipinos need to learn philosophy and give as much importance to it as much as
the Western world has. How I wish there would come the time wherein philo
wouldn't have a bad impression on the public but rather something to enjoy
and amuse our minds.


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