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Sunday, March 19, 2006

Poet for a Day


Man sought you
Little did he know
That he defied his existence

Of happiness
Wanting it
Is of one great rhetoric

To be happy is a demand
Humans do this all the time
Yet satisfaction is never rendered
In such preciseness we would want

You are of the noumenal
I, a mortal
The greatest achievement I could have
Live my life and die
As I die I want to be remembered
Though I must die at my peak
At glory shall I then press stop
All ends
But something remains
I am not forgotten
And that is the most of it

Transcendental is phenomenal
Belief in metaphysics
Bears a steer from the real scenario

I look at my neighbor’s dog
Everyday he walks it
On a leash and after that
They play Frisbee
But does the dog ever tire of it?
The answer is no
Otherwise it would have gone tired of it
The frenzy and excitement of it
Says it all

Looking back at Genesis
Adam and Eve
The apple, the serpent, the tree of knowledge
Knowledge holds on such great receptacles
Expelled from paradise
The world takes on a new shape
Hardships and a focus on something else
Knowledge entitled us into this new being
That of existence and reason
Knowledge precedes idylls
While the search for truth
Belies of our reason and senses

Would it be right to compare oneself to that dog?
There was no account of dogs
Vanished from paradise
While I was told that I was
So I know that the human condition
Does not come to a close with animals
They are paradise and we out of it

Never do something
If you would not wish it repeated endlessly
Things are of a repetitive course
So these wants for knowledge
Made us who we are now
The human condition is to see and ignite
To satisfy one is not a justification
But a mere act done

(I am not a poet but this is an's inspired by the quest for knowledge
and how individuals try to justify it.)


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