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Sunday, March 05, 2006

When Some Words Need a Little Redefining

Language is really deceiving and due to universal meanings we are often forced to take things for granted. Due to the fact that there are many different perspectives on things, there is no stable meaning for anything.

Philippine culture has prescribed certain rules on socializing. Take for example, you hate your uncle and since he is your relative but you have to remain civil. Among Filipinos, it doesn’t look good to show dislike of the elderly. It is either disrespectful or very ‘un-Christian.’ It is against traditional moral values but on the other hand being is an elevated form of hypocrisy; it is more of a euphemism but nevertheless bears the marks of a hypocrite. So in that sense no matter how much I abhor him, I have to say bonjour and salut every time. Complet de merde! It’s ridiculous because relationships are determined by choice and an act motivated by such means it is driven by the individual’s perspective. Again why am I talking about this? It is because I had the most annoying situation at hand. So here it goes. My bestfriend has a new guy but not really that new because they are about 6 freaking months now. And I am disgusted by the fact that her boyfriend is a bland and boring companion (not the type of person, I would like to hang out with). Now, I don’t need to get sedated (each time I can’t fall asleep) because he exceeds the effect of 1000mg of Diazepams which is way beyond the needed amount to get me to sleep. Okay, I’m exaggerating but he is beyond boring, I am just being honest. But that’s not it. The thing is that I am his girlfriend’s best friend and he thinks that it is a good idea that we get along somehow. The thing is that I choose not to be affiliated with him in any way so that’s it. It is given that I am not willing to be his friend. If you barge in into a relationship, you do not expect or assume that your boyfriend or girlfriend’s peers will also be your crowd. Be realistic!

My bestfriend Lex actually confronted me about this and made mention that her boyfriend wants to bond with me. So he is asking when I am free so that all three of us can bond together. This is due to my previous actions of not talking to him when I hang out with my bestfriend and him and ignoring him at the most and he feels that I do not enjoy his presence. With regards the bonding crap, my answer is NO. What part of no can he not understand? I’m assuming that he understands no but he proves to me that he is just plain stupid. Well, the moral lesson is that do not try to assume or do something that is too IDEALISTIC. We are individuals here and subjectivity is the game. If he believes in the generalized or universalized rules of conduct, well I don’t….I’m a non conformist to society, remember? Your idealism is your sickness and if my presence bothers you then you just prove me that I do exist.

Now, I just have to live with it. Oh! Sorry but that was a wrong choice of words. I can choose to ignore him. Now, that’s better. We all have our individual preferences and this is mine.

You know who you are! Don’t act stupid in front of me and expect me to give in to your whims. I choose to consider you a null entity. Suppose I say hi or raise an eyebrow that’s it (I just do that for the sake of doing my best friend a favor)…but under any circumstances I would avoid not to do so. My advice for you is just go on with your life and don’t bother the way I treat you. I don’t like your company and I don’t and never will need it. Stick yourself to my best friend and don’t mind me. WE WILL NEVER BE FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!! SALAUD!

By the way…ever heard of Ferdinand de Saussure’s theory on language? Well try to figure out how Jacques Derrida ‘deconstructed’ his insights. That is what I am doing with words right now…So I tell you go to Fully Booked or Power Books and then you can talk to me in a discourse and not in a casual conversation.

1.Forgive me for the language but I can’t help it…I have to release my anger in little ways…Please bear with me!
2. The photo shown is an image shot by uber cool photographer Terry Richardson.
Well that image portrays what I intend to do to my bestfriend's guy...just to further the fact that I would never make any compromise with him. haha
BTW image taken from!


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